Message from the President of the Long-Thibaud Foundation
Dear Candidates,
Paris and the Long-Thibaud Competition are expecting you this year.
As you know, the Long Thibaud is one of the most prestigious music competitions in the world.
I know that music is your life.
I am delighted to invite you to come to Paris to take part in and share an exceptional time together.
The Long-Thibaud Competition has produced true music legendaries in its eighty-year history.
You may well be the next new legend revealed during the competition.
The members of the jury will not be judges.
They are your friends.
Friends of the music with whom you can exchange ideas to bring out your best.
Your fingers are strong, but, above all, your soul is even stronger.
So that you express your talent and love of music.
We look forward to seeing you in Paris soon for the Long-Thibaud Competition.